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Category Archive for ‘Uncategorized’

Adult/Minor Model Release Form

Coming up on Memorial Day

A couple of new portraits shot last week. Scheduling a couple of more sessions over the next day or two.

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Busy week ahead

Open for business signage is now in the front window. Will be meeting with the folks at the Chambersburg Beauty

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Some people shots

napped a picture of Dad snoozing in the front window. Will post a shot of Karen later using new directional

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Heading into spring…

Finally the next 7 days are showing normal temperatures, raining but normal. The studio is setup waiting for one last

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Red and White

he #6 project was a 30 second exposure at f22 using an LED flashlight. I actually could have used more

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Week 5

inter still seems to want to linger on. It looks like another week till it gets back to at least

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Week 4

he journey continues. Have started to work with a few programs that were not available a few years ago. AdobeĀ 

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Week 3

tarting out the week resolving normal business issues. Most of the equipment is on hand and working great. Will start

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Week 2

ore and more equipment is either arriving or is getting back out of storage and being set up. My brother

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