Uncategorized – www.igmu.net http://www.igmu.net Product Portrait Commercial Photography Newville, PA Tue, 01 Mar 2016 01:00:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.5.13 61177911 Adult/Minor Model Release Form http://www.igmu.net/adultminor-model-release-form/ Tue, 01 Mar 2016 00:58:34 +0000 http://www.igmu.net/?p=1954

Coming up on Memorial Day http://www.igmu.net/coming-up-on-memorial-day/ Wed, 21 May 2014 14:22:08 +0000 http://www.igmu.net/?p=854 Read More]]> B_Etter_prom_mid3_webA couple of new portraits shot last week. Scheduling a couple of more sessions over the next day or two. Working up a promotional ad for placement in a local paper and attending a seminar next week on putting together a direct mail piece. Still spending a lot of time moving the business forward. Long days, short nights but wouldn’t trade this schedule for anything. Waiting on some new studio monolights.


Busy week ahead http://www.igmu.net/busy-week-ahead/ Sun, 27 Apr 2014 14:01:54 +0000 http://www.igmu.net/?p=657 Read More]]> Open for business signage is now in the front window. Will be meeting with the folks at the Chambersburg Beauty Academy to discuss photographing work being done by their current students for use in their portfolios upon graduation. In addition, I hope to provide their students with real world cosmetology/styling assignments as I build my portfolio. This is also the week that Ray Gehman, a working National Geographic photographer, will be giving a 2 hour talk at a LA Camera in Chambersburg which should be very enlightening as well as a chance to meet some other photographers. Finally, a rework of this site will be started.


Started working with new soft box.
3-light setup using florescent, tungsten, and speed light


Depth of field exercise.


Natural light w/speed light exercise.

Some people shots http://www.igmu.net/some-people-shots/ Sat, 05 Apr 2014 17:02:25 +0000 http://www.igmu.net/?p=543 Read More]]> sp_Letter_Snapped a picture of Dad snoozing in the front window. Will post a shot of Karen later using new directional softbox light. The Fiat shot was done with an LED flashlight will all but 1 bank of lights masked off, again, waiting for the temps to get warmer.dad_widow_web2-1

LP_fiat_web SWH Photography Portfolio


Heading into spring… http://www.igmu.net/heading-into-spring/ Fri, 28 Mar 2014 14:19:08 +0000 http://www.igmu.net/?p=472 Read More]]> Finally the next 7 days are showing normal temperatures, raining but normal. The studio is setup waiting for one last soft box and the doors to SWH Photography will be officially open again. The attached photos are a CD cover/back  for the Project52 Group out of Phoenix, AZ. amelia_CD_Cover


Red and White http://www.igmu.net/red-and-white/ Mon, 10 Mar 2014 15:28:36 +0000 http://www.igmu.net/?p=410 Read More]]> Harrisburg_photographers_igmu.net_product_photography_sp_Letter_The #6 project was a 30 second exposure at f22 using an LED flashlight. I actually could have used more time. Will try using Bulb on next assignment plus the camera has a multiple exposure setting as well that needs to be worked out. Will start contacting clients next week. I found a great resource in the local business journal. Waiting for the weather to warm up to start spending more time outside.
Week 5 http://www.igmu.net/week-5/ Mon, 03 Mar 2014 17:11:51 +0000 http://www.igmu.net/?p=381 Read More]]> 9_degreessp_Winter still seems to want to linger on. It looks like another week till it gets back to at least a normal temperature. Pictured is a poster project from last week. I called it 9 degrees, probably should have titled the poster “There are other seasons?” Work progressing on getting more programs online. Light painting still holds great interest and will be working it into table top assignment for this week. No word from the neighbors yet. I’m sure strobe lights going off and flashlight beams flying around the inside of house at night has the gossip mills going. Jerry Ulesmann first captured my imagination in the early seventies. Aaron Jones came later. Back then the cost of buying film, developing  chemicals and photo paper had to be considered, even if you were equipped with your own B&W darkroom. Color was twice the expense. Digital is coming of age.

Check out:

Week 4 http://www.igmu.net/week-4/ Thu, 27 Feb 2014 13:26:21 +0000 http://www.igmu.net/?p=359 Read More]]> sp_Letter_The journey continues. Have started to work with a few programs that were not available a few years ago. Adobe  Lightroom is a photo editing program with a number of mind boggling adjustments for RAW file. suny_beforeLR_websuny_afterLR_web

Secondly and just as importantly, I looking more into a “painting with light” approach to my photography. Still  in the infant stages but I am liking the over all feel, mood and shadow…and that’s right, dust on the table controls.phone_spirit_web 🙂

Week 3 http://www.igmu.net/week-3-2/ Thu, 20 Feb 2014 00:26:40 +0000 http://www.igmu.net/?p=351 Read More]]> projet52 week_3 maybesp_Letter_Starting out the week resolving normal business issues. Most of the equipment is on hand and working great. Will start submitting shots to the Project52.org group. This  Flickr group is for anyone looking to stay current or get into photography. Don Giannatti moderates the group, well worth looking into and reading his ideas on the art. He comes with the Creative Director, Art Director to the “Shooter” background.  He is refreshingly down to earth. ]]> 351 Week 2 http://www.igmu.net/week-3/ Wed, 12 Feb 2014 00:26:09 +0000 http://www.igmu.net/?p=327 Read More]]> week_3


ore and more equipment is either arriving or is getting back out of storage and being set up. My brother Mike, has been a GREAT help in parting with a few beautiful lenses whose glass is still considered high quality and in immaculate condition. These are 25 year old lens whose quality still rates with high quality lenses being produces today.
