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Current projects and items.

Week 5

9_degreessp_Winter still seems to want to linger on. It looks like another week till it gets back to at least a normal temperature. Pictured is a poster project from last week. I called it 9 degrees, probably should have titled the poster “There are other seasons?” Work progressing on getting more programs online. Light painting still holds great interest and will be working it into table top assignment for this week. No word from the neighbors yet. I’m sure strobe lights going off and flashlight beams flying around the inside of house at night has the gossip mills going. Jerry Ulesmann first captured my imagination in the early seventies. Aaron Jones came later. Back then the cost of buying film, developing  chemicals and photo paper had to be considered, even if you were equipped with your own B&W darkroom. Color was twice the expense. Digital is coming of age.

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